PostgresTools enable an Agent to interact with a PostgreSQL database.


The following example requires the psycopg2 library.

pip install -U psycopg2

You will also need a database. The following example uses a Postgres database running in a Docker container.

docker run -d \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=ai \
  -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata \
  -v pgvolume:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
  -p 5532:5432 \
  --name pgvector \


The following agent will list all tables in the database.

from phi.agent import Agent
from import PostgresTools

db_name = "ai"
user = "ai"
password = "ai"
host = "localhost"
port = 5532

agent = Agent(tools=[PostgresTools(
agent.print_response("List the tables in the database", markdown=True)

Toolkit Params

connectionpsycopg2.extensions.connectionNoneOptional database connection object.
db_namestrNoneOptional name of the database to connect to.
userstrNoneOptional username for database authentication.
passwordstrNoneOptional password for database authentication.
hoststrNoneOptional host for the database connection.
portintNoneOptional port for the database connection.
run_queriesboolTrueEnables running SQL queries.
inspect_queriesboolFalseEnables inspecting SQL queries before execution.
summarize_tablesboolTrueEnables summarizing table structures.
export_tablesboolFalseEnables exporting tables from the database.

Toolkit Functions

show_tablesRetrieves and displays a list of tables in the database. Returns the list of tables.
describe_tableDescribes the structure of a specified table by returning its columns, data types, and maximum character length. Parameters include ‘table’ to specify the table name. Returns the table description.
summarize_tableSummarizes a table by computing aggregates such as min, max, average, standard deviation, and non-null counts for numeric columns. Parameters include ‘table’ to specify the table name, and an optional ‘table_schema’ to specify the schema (default is “public”). Returns the summary of the table.
inspect_queryInspects an SQL query by returning the query plan. Parameters include ‘query’ to specify the SQL query. Returns the query plan.
export_table_to_pathExports a specified table in CSV format to a given path. Parameters include ‘table’ to specify the table name and an optional ‘path’ to specify where to save the file (default is the current directory). Returns the result of the export operation.
run_queryExecutes an SQL query and returns the result. Parameters include ‘query’ to specify the SQL query. Returns the result of the query execution.