JiraTools enable an Agent to perform Jira tasks.


The following example requires the jira library and auth credentials.

pip install -U jira


The following agent will use Jira API to search for issues in a project.

from phi.agent import Agent
from phi.tools.jira_tools import JiraTools

agent = Agent(tools=[JiraTools()])
agent.print_response("Find all issues in project PROJ", markdown=True)

Toolkit Params

server_urlstr""The URL of the JIRA server, retrieved from the environment variable JIRA_SERVER_URL. Default is an empty string if not set.
usernamestrNoneThe JIRA username for authentication, retrieved from the environment variable JIRA_USERNAME. Default is None if not set.
passwordstrNoneThe JIRA password for authentication, retrieved from the environment variable JIRA_PASSWORD. Default is None if not set.
tokenstrNoneThe JIRA API token for authentication, retrieved from the environment variable JIRA_TOKEN. Default is None if not set.

Toolkit Functions

get_issueRetrieves issue details from JIRA. Parameters include:
- issue_key: the key of the issue to retrieve
Returns a JSON string containing issue details or an error message.
create_issueCreates a new issue in JIRA. Parameters include:
- project_key: the project in which to create the issue
- summary: the issue summary
- description: the issue description
- issuetype: the type of issue (default is “Task”)
Returns a JSON string with the new issue’s key and URL or an error message.
search_issuesSearches for issues using a JQL query in JIRA. Parameters include:
- jql_str: the JQL query string
- max_results: the maximum number of results to return (default is 50)
Returns a JSON string containing a list of dictionaries with issue details or an error message.
add_commentAdds a comment to an issue in JIRA. Parameters include:
- issue_key: the key of the issue
- comment: the comment text
Returns a JSON string indicating success or an error message.