Qdrant Params

collectionstr-Name of the Qdrant collection
embedderEmbedderOpenAIEmbedder()Embedder for embedding the document contents
distanceDistanceDistance.cosineDistance metric for similarity search
locationOptional[str]NoneLocation of the Qdrant database
urlOptional[str]NoneURL of the Qdrant server
portOptional[int]6333Port number for the Qdrant server
grpc_portint6334gRPC port number for the Qdrant server
prefer_grpcboolFalseWhether to prefer gRPC over HTTP
httpsOptional[bool]NoneWhether to use HTTPS
api_keyOptional[str]NoneAPI key for authentication
prefixOptional[str]NonePrefix for the Qdrant API
timeoutOptional[float]NoneTimeout for Qdrant operations
hostOptional[str]NoneHost address for the Qdrant server
pathOptional[str]NonePath to the Qdrant database