PgVectorDb Params

table_namestr-The name of the table to use.
schemastr-The schema to use.
db_urlstr-The database URL to connect to.
db_engineEngine-The database engine to use.
embedderEmbedder-The embedder to use.
search_typeSearchTypevectorThe search type to use.
vector_indexUnion[Ivfflat, HNSW]-The vector index to use.
distanceDistancecosineThe distance to use.
prefix_matchbool-Whether to use prefix matching.
vector_score_weightfloat0.5Weight for vector similarity in hybrid search. Must be between 0 and 1.
content_languagestr-The content language to use.
schema_versionint-The schema version to use.
auto_upgrade_schemabool-Whether to auto upgrade the schema.