PineconeDB Params

namestr-The name of the Pinecone index
dimensionint-The dimension of the embeddings
specUnion[Dict, ServerlessSpec, PodSpec]-The index spec
embedderOptional[Embedder]NoneEmbedder instance for creating embeddings (defaults to OpenAIEmbedder if not provided)
metricOptional[str]"cosine"The metric used for similarity search
additional_headersOptional[Dict[str, str]]NoneAdditional headers to pass to the Pinecone client
pool_threadsOptional[int]1The number of threads to use for the Pinecone client
namespaceOptional[str]NoneThe namespace for the Pinecone index
timeoutOptional[int]NoneThe timeout for Pinecone operations
index_apiOptional[Any]NoneThe Index API object
api_keyOptional[str]NoneThe Pinecone API key
hostOptional[str]NoneThe Pinecone host
configOptional[Config]NoneThe Pinecone config
use_hybrid_searchboolFalseWhether to use hybrid search
hybrid_alphafloat0.5The alpha value for hybrid search