The AzureOpenAIEmbedder class is used to embed text data into vectors using the Azure OpenAI API.


from phi.agent import Agent, AgentKnowledge
from phi.vectordb.pgvector import PgVector
from phi.embedder.azure_openai import AzureOpenAIEmbedder

# Create knowledge base
    # 2 references are added to the prompt

# Add information to the knowledge base
knowledge_base.load_text("The sky is blue")

# Add the knowledge base to the Agent
agent = Agent(knowledge_base=knowledge_base)


modelstr"text-embedding-ada-002"The name of the model used for generating embeddings.
dimensionsint1536The dimensionality of the embeddings generated by the model.
encoding_formatLiteral['float', 'base64']"float"The format in which the embeddings are encoded. Options are “float” or “base64”.
userstr-The user associated with the API request.
api_keystr-The API key used for authenticating requests.
api_versionstr"2024-02-01"The version of the API to use for the requests.
azure_endpointstr-The Azure endpoint for the API requests.
azure_deploymentstr-The Azure deployment name for the API requests.
base_urlstr-The base URL for the API endpoint.
azure_ad_tokenstr-The Azure Active Directory token for authentication.
azure_ad_token_providerAny-The provider for obtaining the Azure AD token.
organizationstr-The organization associated with the API request.
request_paramsOptional[Dict[str, Any]]-Additional parameters to include in the API request. Optional.
client_paramsOptional[Dict[str, Any]]-Additional parameters for configuring the API client. Optional.
openai_clientOptional[AzureOpenAIClient]-An instance of the AzureOpenAIClient to use for making API requests. Optional.