Agents use tools to take actions and interact with external systems.

Tools are functions that an Agent can run to achieve tasks. For example: searching the web, running SQL, sending an email or calling APIs. You can use any python function as a tool or use a pre-built toolkit. The general syntax is:

from phi.agent import Agent

agent = Agent(
    # Add functions or Toolkits
    # Show tool calls in the Agent response

Using a Toolkit

Phidata provides many pre-built toolkits that you can add to your Agents. For example, let’s use the DuckDuckGo toolkit to search the web.

You can find more toolkits in the Toolkits guide.

Create Web Search Agent

Create a file
from phi.agent import Agent
from import DuckDuckGo

agent = Agent(tools=[DuckDuckGo()], show_tool_calls=True, markdown=True)
agent.print_response("Whats happening in France?", stream=True)

Run the agent

Install libraries

pip install openai duckduckgo-search phidata

Run the agent


Writing your own Tools

For more control, write your own python functions and add them as tools to an Agent. For example, here’s how to add a get_top_hackernews_stories tool to an Agent.
import json
import httpx

from phi.agent import Agent

def get_top_hackernews_stories(num_stories: int = 10) -> str:
    """Use this function to get top stories from Hacker News.

        num_stories (int): Number of stories to return. Defaults to 10.

        str: JSON string of top stories.

    # Fetch top story IDs
    response = httpx.get('')
    story_ids = response.json()

    # Fetch story details
    stories = []
    for story_id in story_ids[:num_stories]:
        story_response = httpx.get(f'{story_id}.json')
        story = story_response.json()
        if "text" in story:
            story.pop("text", None)
    return json.dumps(stories)

agent = Agent(tools=[get_top_hackernews_stories], show_tool_calls=True, markdown=True)
agent.print_response("Summarize the top 5 stories on hackernews?", stream=True)

Read more about:


The following attributes allow an Agent to use tools

toolsList[Union[Tool, Toolkit, Callable, Dict, Function]]-A list of tools provided to the Model. Tools are functions the model may generate JSON inputs for.
show_tool_callsboolFalsePrint the signature of the tool calls in the Model response.
tool_call_limitint-Maximum number of tool calls allowed.
tool_choiceUnion[str, Dict[str, Any]]-Controls which (if any) tool is called by the model. “none” means the model will not call a tool and instead generates a message. “auto” means the model can pick between generating a message or calling a tool. Specifying a particular function via {"type": "function", "function": {"name": "my_function"}} forces the model to call that tool. “none” is the default when no tools are present. “auto” is the default if tools are present.
read_chat_historyboolFalseAdd a tool that allows the Model to read the chat history.
search_knowledgeboolFalseAdd a tool that allows the Model to search the knowledge base (aka Agentic RAG).
update_knowledgeboolFalseAdd a tool that allows the Model to update the knowledge base.
read_tool_call_historyboolFalseAdd a tool that allows the Model to get the tool call history.