Use the best in class GPT models using Azure’s OpenAI API.


Set your environment variables.


Use AzureOpenAIChat with your Agent:


idstr-The specific model ID used for generating responses. This field is required.
namestr"AzureOpenAIChat"The name identifier for the agent.
providerstr"Azure"The provider of the model.
api_keyOptional[str]-The API key for authenticating requests to the Azure OpenAI service.
api_versionstr"2024-02-01"The version of the Azure OpenAI API to use.
azure_endpointOptional[str]-The endpoint URL for the Azure OpenAI service.
azure_deploymentOptional[str]-The deployment name or ID in Azure.
base_urlOptional[str]-The base URL for making API requests to the Azure OpenAI service.
azure_ad_tokenOptional[str]-The Azure Active Directory token for authenticating requests.
azure_ad_token_providerOptional[Any]-The provider for obtaining Azure Active Directory tokens.
organizationOptional[str]-The organization associated with the API requests.
openai_clientOptional[AzureOpenAIClient]-An instance of AzureOpenAIClient provided for making API requests.